全新全新二手及翻新電子產品,處理器,二手內存條及硬盤, 二手枱式電腦,二手筆記本等等.
歡迎同行各業致電合作. 世界之大,商機無盡, 合作無間,携手協力.
電腦硬件 , 二手電腦 , 電腦硬盤 , 電腦cpu , 電腦內存 , 電腦主板
We are trading company imported computer parts such as second-hand Rams DDR1, DDR2, DDR3 desktops / Laptops / Second-hand CPU in Hong Kong. We do both selling and buying all over the world and we have partners located in Korea, China and India. Welcome to call or email for any quotes or questions.
Tel: 852 3706 8008 / 86 755-259830