"Nikoyo (HK) Ltd. is a Hong Kong registered company, under the umbrella of Nikoyo (Holdings) Ltd., processing all the commerce, finance and logistics operations in compliance with the Hong Kong laws and legal system.It represents the holdings company to conclude covenants and contracts with global business partners for product distribution and services, and plays the role of bridge and window for information and knowledge flow among business partners and subsidiaries, setting up across the board platforms for sales, software development and technical support. 贊華(香港)有限公司是贊華集團總部所在地,為香港註冊公司。在香港的法律框架下執行集團所有商務,財務和物流運作。同時也肩負集團公司在香港市場的銷售和服務重任。 多年來贊華 (香港)充分利用香港的自由營商環境,積極向中國、香港和澳門科技市場引進業界最先進產品和技術,提供與影像、存儲、資料及系統安全相關的週邊設備和軟硬體整合系統解決方案。"