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Metropolitan Storage is part of the Metropolitan Lifestyle Group that was founded in 2010. It has various lifestyle related business including wine storage, fine wine sales, catering service, serviced apartments and co-working space. Metropolitan Storage aims at providing clients with safe and yet affordable storage space that comes with style and good service. Borrowing from our experience in wine storage, we pay special attention in storage conditions, safety as well as style. We only pick places that has fire sprinklers, convenient access from public transport, and we then turn them into mini storage with tasteful design and good services. We are quickly building up a network of ministorage all over Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories that will serve to add another dimension to your home and office.

「城市迷你倉」是創立於2010年的城市優質生活集團旗下的業務之一,集團專注發展與 不同生活態度有關的業務,包括葡萄酒儲藏庫﹑高級葡萄酒銷售﹑餐飲到會服務﹑服務式公寓 和共享工作空間。「城市迷你倉」旨在為客戶提供安全可靠而價格合理的儲存空間,並配備 格調裝潢及貼心服務。 根據集團經營葡萄酒儲藏庫的豐富經驗,我們對儲存空間的條件特別關注,尤其在安全和 風格方面。我們只挑選備有完善滅火裝置﹑並位於公共交通方便到達的地點,再以優雅的設計 把它們搖身一變,成為為客戶提供優質服務的迷你倉。 「城市迷你倉」的網絡正迅速在港島﹑九龍及新界擴展,務求為閣下的家庭和辦公室儲存注入 新的空間。


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